July 2023 Statewide Meeting

Summary of the July 2023 CCL Hawaii Statewide Meeting

Featured Speaker - Hawaii County Council Chair - Heather Kimball.

Council Chair Kimball shared the highlights of the creation of the Office of Sustainability, Climate, Equity, and Resilience (OSCER), focusing on the strategy for enabling community and political support.

Prove IT Act - Action Requested

CCL's Climate Action Program is asking us to please send an email to Senator Schatz and Senator Hirono asking them to cosponsor the PROVE IT Act of 2023 - S.1863 has eight bipartisan original cosponsors – it would be great to add both of our Hawaii senator's names to this legislation.

Add your request please visit... https://citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/prove-it-act
It's quick and easy, and effective. Sample email wording is provided, which you are encouraged to personalize for even greater effect.

Gotta love how bills get named; PROVE IT = “Providing Reliable, Objective, Verifiable Emissions Intensity and Transparency” The link above gives a “translation” er.. explanation.


Accelerating the Circular Economy


CCL National Conference and Lobby Day 2023