Hawaii Policy Priorities

CCL Hawaii supports local legislation that aligns with CCL's expanded policy agenda. This includes bills that fall into the following policy areas: Carbon Pricing, Healthy Forests, Building Electrification and Efficiency, and Permitting Reform.

Carbon Pricing

Americans shouldn’t have to live with price shocks and energy inflation. A carbon fee and dividend (carbon cashback) will drive energy innovation, giving every American community access to abundant, affordable clean energy at a predictable price.

We’ve compiled information to help clarify the carbon pricing and address questions about Carbon Cashback. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for information that can help you better understand and share the rationale and benefits of the Carbon Cashback policy.

Healthy Forests

Courtesy of Martin Zangerl

Forests are critical climate solutions as they capture and store carbon from the air. All efforts to preserve and restore forests will allow this natural solution to expand and increase its carbon sequestration capabilities.

Building Electrification and Efficiency

Courtesy of Zetong Li

“Waste not, want not.”

By increasing the efficiency of our buildings (electrification is a big part of this), we reduce the amount of energy consumed. This allows for money savings and the reduction of carbon pollution.

Permitting Reform

Courtesy of American Public Power Association

Reforming our permitting processes will allow for the acceleration of the expansion of our clean energy economy. By speeding up the review and approvals for solar, wind, hydroelectric, storage, geothermal, transmission lines, and more, we can shorten development timelines.