Accelerating the Circular Economy

CCL National hosted Ramona Liberoff, PACE Executive Director, in the August 2023 monthly meeting. Take a listen to learn from Liberoff about the circular economy, a strategy to ensure that goods, products, and services are maintained in circulation for as long as possible. This allows us to maximize energy, minimize waste and pollution, and enable true sustainability.

“Ramona Liberoff is the Executive Director of PACE (Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy), which was launched by the World Economic Forum and is a delivery platform of the World Resources Institute. The circular economy offers solutions to the joint crises of climate change and biodiversity loss by regenerating natural systems, keeping products and materials in circulation, and preventing waste and pollution. Prior to her role at PACE, Ramona worked at the intersection of global climate, innovation, and finance, at Roots of Impact, as the CEO of SPRING Accelerator, and as COO of the Innogy Innovation Hub, after a career of leading innovation for multinationals such as Unilever and Pepsico.” - CCL



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July 2023 Statewide Meeting