It's Easy, Efficient, and Effective
Each morning I like to follow CCL's social media posts and recently read their “Take Action - Call Congress” posting. In the Comments there was a reader who said simply, “I Called”. This was all the motivation needed to take action.
“CCL’s assistance made the process Easy! It was easy and took only about 5 minutes.”
I clicked the CCL link - After entering my name and address, my representative’s information was displayed. I was offered the chance to email and phone HI-02 district Representative Kai Kahele. The option to call Congress includes a short suggested script and the email Congress option has a similar message, a simple “Please support the inclusion of carbon pricing in the budget reconciliation package”. I sent my email and made my call.
CCL's assistance made the process Easy! It was easy and took only about 5 minutes.
He responded!
Excerpt of email
It was Effective!
Representative Kai Kahele sent an email response within the hour, acknowledging my message and providing information about the Build Back Better reconciliation package. He ended his email with an invitation to reach out to him and his staff.
“Mahalo again for contacting me about this important issue. Please reach out to me and my staff at (202) 225-4906 and (808) 746-6220 or visit my website, should you need assistance or would like to express more of your ideas on how we can build a better future for Hawaiʻi. Please also join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @RepKahele to be the first to know about our work ensuring Hawaiʻi’s priorities are well represented.”
CCL national also responded quickly...
I also received the following thank you email from CCL!
I wrote and called. You can do it too! Simply go to to reach your representative and to reach your senators.
- Ron Reilly - Hawaii Island Chapter Co-Lead