A club that will be all the rage… (nations with a price on carbon)
Courtesy of Maxim Tolchinskiy.
Check out the latest on carbon pricing on the global stage in this article from the World Economic Forum. A price on carbon pollution is one of the most effective tools for cutting global warming emissions. Across the globe, a number of countries have implemented or are attempting to implement pricing as a means to effect necessary, economy-wide behavior changes that will encourage a shift to low carbon solutions. They represent a distinguished group of countries that are leading in efforts to mitigate climate change.
More must join this club, including countries that are the heaviest polluters.
“Despite being one of the world’s biggest CO2 emitters, the US currently doesn’t have a carbon tax at a national level. But several states, including California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, have introduced carbon pricing schemes that cover emissions within their territory. President Biden has pledged to cut emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve net-zero by 2050. But the concept of a carbon tax is regarded by his administration as politically risky and difficult to get passed in the US Congress.”
More at www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/carbon-tax-emissions-countries/.