Create the will for effective, equitable, and efficient climate action with Citizens’ Climate Lobby.
Join a virtual lobby team for CCL Fall Lobby Days: December 9-13
CCL is committed to making progress on federal legislation.
All levels of experience are welcome - there’s a role for you!
Primary asks: Nov 21, 3pm HST
For youth, by youth (under 18s): Nov 24th, 11am HST
Preparing for lobby day:
CCL Tabling at the Climate Summit - November 16, 2024
Jaymen tabling at the Capitol for CCL
What could Paul be saying!
How about
"Hawaii passes first carbon cashback bill in 2025” Wouldn’t that be great!
Introducing the Energy Innovation Act!
Rep. Salud Carbajal reintroduced the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act in the House.
This policy puts a #PriceOnPollution across the economy to reduce carbon pollution so we can reach 50% by 2030 and net zero by 2050.
Who we are
We are an all-volunteer organization in Hawaii comprised of members from CCL chapters in Oahu, Maui, Hawaii Island, and Kauai.
We work to create political support for durable climate policy and an equitable and just transition for everyone.
We support carbon pricing, nature-based solutions, building electrification and efficiency, and permitting reform.
We advocate for local and national climate policies, including carbon cashback, a proven approach to reducing planet-warming emissions while offering a just transition for people, particularly our vulnerable.
Join CCL to help fight climate change. You'll be connected with your local CCL chapter and provided valuable training opportunities and resources
So that future generations will have a livable world.
Image by Noel Morin